Restaurant Takeout and Delivery Resources
Restaurant Takeout and Delivery Resources
Newsletter #5 - July 9, 2020
Hi Neighbors!
We hope you are continuing to stay safe and healthy during this time.
Our network has grown and expanded so much in the past four months since we started, and this growth never would have been possible without the investment of you, our community members. Community members have recently reached out to join our organizing team, and we are still looking for more new organizers to help shape the network on a regular basis. If you have any interest in becoming an organizer, or working on a smaller initiative within the network, please email us!; we would love to connect with you to figure out how you can best join our team.
One initiative within the network that has been growing over the past several weeks is our Senior Outreach Project. The project aims to connect seniors with local community members to provide virtual companionship and assistance with technology. If you or a senior you know is interested in participating, fill out this survey and someone will be in touch to connect you. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this survey.
Over the past months we have facilitated community connections and mutual support throughout our community. We have received offers of service from over 100 community members, provided resources and information to over 500 people via our website and dozens more via email, and have helped move over $4,000 in financial support. A recent community member we sent money to wanted to thank you, the community, for your donations.
We would not be nearly as helpful if we did not listen to the voices of our community and aim to structure ourselves according to what we hear. In order to continue growing and shaping our network in a way that directly serves all of us effectively, we have been circulating a feedback survey. We have received some excellent feedback, but only from very few community members; the more feedback we receive, the better we can operate to support each other. The survey should only take a few minutes and has the option to be completely anonymous. We appreciate every response!
Have a safe and healthy week and, as always, don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything at!
Be well,
Lincoln-Sudbury Mutual Aid
[Image Description: Graphic illustration of the earth with five people of different races smiling side by side above it. The background is a navy sky with yellow stars. The text across the top reads "we protect our neighbors".]