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Safe Delivery Protocol

The practices below are detailed for delivery to high risk individuals, but can be used for any type of delivery. 

Cleanliness and Risk Reduction for Deliveries to High Risk Individuals

Adapted from Massachusetts Department of Public Health Caretaker Guidelines, CDC COVID-19 Guidelines, and this article

Last updated: March 16, 2020 


Please DO NOT  deliver groceries to at risk people if you have any of the conditions below:

  • Sick with fever (Higher than 100.3 oF) or respiratory illness such as cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat

  • Close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days

At the grocery store practice extra caution to protect yourself and the individuals to whom you are delivering. Measures you can take are to:

  • Wipe down your cart or basket with disinfectant when you begin shopping (bring your own wipes if possible)

  • Avoid close contact with others in the store as much as possible

  • Shop during off-peak hours to limit contacts

  • Avoid touching your face while shopping and wash your hands with hand sanitizer as you enter and leave the store


Do not take stops between picking up goods and delivering them, only go from ‘Point A’ to ‘Point B’.


When delivering, avoid a direct handoff: Even if you are healthy, you may be carrying the virus and could transmit via contact. Prior to delivery, contact recipient to confirm that they are ready. Approach door and leave goods outside. Walk at least two meters from door, and contact recipient to let them know they can receive goods.


Instructions for Recipients: 

  • Unpack groceries while being careful not to touch your eyes/mouth/face

  • Wash fruits, vegetables, and any non-porous containers with soap and water

  • After unpacking groceries, clean and disinfect counters and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds


Reimbursement: It is preferable for recipients to reimburse the cost of goods through digital payment methods such as Venmo or CashApp in order to limit contact. If this is not possible, and it is necessary to use cash or a check, please follow this protocol:

  1. Volunteer contacts recipient via text or phone call to confirm that it is ok to approach their door. Volunteer drops off goods outside of recipient’s door, then backs up at least two meters away from the front door. Volunteer contacts recipient to tell them they have arrived.

  2. Recipient opens door and receives goods. Recipient places payment (preferably in envelope) outside door. Recipient closes door bringing goods with them. Recipient confirms via text or phone call that it is ok for volunteer to approach door.

  3. Volunteer approaches door and picks up payment. Volunteer confirms receipt of payment via text or phone call and leaves.


Other tips:

  • Stock up on non-perishable items and other items with a long shelf life to decrease the frequency of deliveries to minimize exposure risk

The language on this page was originally created by Mutual Aid Brookline

© 2020 by Lincoln-Sudbury Mutual Aid. Created by Ruby Carmel for Lincoln-Sudbury Mutual Aid using

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